A FAO Greenhouse

A FAO Greenhouse
One of the members in my training group taking a look at a plot of lettuce

Another Visit With QBL

Another Visit With QBL
We visited the innaguration for a series of new chicken coops QBL financed in a small village in the low-lying andes mountains, 7 hours north of La Paz

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Soccer Match

Went to a soccer match between the two biggest teams in Bolivia, The Strongest and Bolivar. Through a Rotary contact´s friend I got tickets! Check out my photo album under Alasitas, Apt. Etc.

It was glorious and I learned many a Bolivian foul word from his friend and his accompanying family.

imagine you’re on the top level and can see both inside and outside the stadium....
Hernando Siles stadium is surrounded in the foreground by apartment buildings in the neighborhood where it is located called Miraflores with the backdrop of mountains and massive weather patterns; dark clouds crashing, distant rain breathing mist, and slivers of blue slipping through sporadic heaven holes. Perhaps a bit dramatic but it was great.

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